Synapse command line client

The Synapse Python Client can be used from the command line via the synapse command.


The command line client is installed along with installation of the Synapse Python client .


For help, type:

synapse -h.

For help on specific commands, type:

synapse [command] -h


usage: synapse [-h] [--version] [-u SYNAPSEUSER] [-p SYNAPSEPASSWORD]
               [-c CONFIGPATH] [--debug] [--silent] [-s]

Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit

-u, --username

Username used to connect to Synapse

-p, --password

Password, api key, or token used to connect to Synapse

-c, --configPath

Path to configuration file used to connect to Synapse [default: “/Users/jkiang/.synapseConfig”]

Default: “/Users/jkiang/.synapseConfig”


“Set to debug mode, additional output and error messages are printed to the console”

Default: False


“Set to silent mode, console output is suppressed”

Default: False

-s, --skip-checks

suppress checking for version upgrade messages and endpoint redirection

Default: False


The following commands are available:


Possible choices: get, sync, store, add, mv, cp, associate, delete, query, submit, show, cat, list, set-provenance, get-provenance, set-annotations, get-annotations, create, store-table, onweb, login, test-encoding, get-sts-token, migrate

For additional help: “synapse <COMMAND> -h”



downloads a file from Synapse

synapse get [-h] [-q queryString] [-v VERSION] [-r] [--followLink]
            [--limitSearch projId] [--downloadLocation path] [--multiThreaded]
            [--manifest {all,root,suppress}]
            [local path]
Positional Arguments
local path

Synapse ID of form syn123 of desired data object.

Named Arguments
-q, --query

Optional query parameter, will fetch all of the entities returned by a query (see query for help).

-v, --version

Synapse version number of entity to retrieve. Defaults to most recent version.

-r, --recursive

Fetches content in Synapse recursively contained in the parentId specified by id.

Default: False


Determines whether the link returns the target Entity.

Default: False


Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for files if using a path.


Directory to download file to [default: “./”].

Default: “./”


Download file using a multiple threaded implementation. This flag will be removed in the future when multi-threaded download is deemed fully stable and becomes the default implementation.

Default: True


Possible choices: all, root, suppress

Determines whether creating manifest file automatically.

Default: “all”


Synchronize files described in a manifest to Synapse

synapse sync [-h] [--dryRun] [--sendMessages] [--retries INT] FILE
Positional Arguments

A tsv file with file locations and metadata to be pushed to Synapse.

Named Arguments

Perform validation without uploading.

Default: False


Send notifications via Synapse messaging (email) at specific intervals, on errors and on completion.

Default: False


Default: 4


uploads and adds a file to Synapse

synapse store [-h] (--parentid syn123 | --id syn123 | --type TYPE)
              [--name NAME]
              [--description DESCRIPTION | --descriptionFile DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH]
              [--used [target [target ...]]]
              [--executed [target [target ...]]] [--limitSearch projId]
              [--noForceVersion] [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--replace]
Positional Arguments

file to be added to synapse.

Named Arguments
--parentid, --parentId, -parentid, -parentId

Synapse ID of project or folder where to upload data (must be specified if –id is not used.


Optional Id of entity in Synapse to be updated.


Type of object, such as “File”, “Folder”, or “Project”, to create in Synapse. Defaults to “File”

Default: “File”

--name, -name

Name of data object in Synapse

--description, -description

Description of data object in Synapse.

--descriptionFile, -descriptionFile

Path to a markdown file containing description of project/folder

--used, -used

Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previouslyuploaded to Synapse) from which the specified entity is derived

--executed, -executed

Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previouslyuploaded to Synapse) that was executed to generate the specified entity


Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.


Do not force a new version to be created if the contents of the file have not changed. The default is a new version is created.

Default: False


Annotations to add as a JSON formatted string, should evaluate to a dictionary (key/value pairs). Example: ‘{“foo”: 1, “bar”:”quux”}’


Replace all existing annotations with the given annotations

Default: False


uploads and adds a file to Synapse

synapse add [-h] (--parentid syn123 | --id syn123 | --type TYPE) [--name NAME]
            [--description DESCRIPTION | --descriptionFile DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH]
            [--used [target [target ...]]] [--executed [target [target ...]]]
            [--limitSearch projId] [--noForceVersion]
            [--annotations ANNOTATIONS] [--replace]
Positional Arguments

file to be added to synapse.

Named Arguments
--parentid, --parentId, -parentid, -parentId

Synapse ID of project or folder where to upload data (must be specified if –id is not used.


Optional Id of entity in Synapse to be updated.


Type of object, such as “File”, “Folder”, or “Project”, to create in Synapse. Defaults to “File”

Default: “File”

--name, -name

Name of data object in Synapse

--description, -description

Description of data object in Synapse.

--descriptionFile, -descriptionFile

Path to a markdown file containing description of project/folder

--used, -used

Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previouslyuploaded to Synapse) from which the specified entity is derived

--executed, -executed

Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previouslyuploaded to Synapse) that was executed to generate the specified entity


Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.


Do not force a new version to be created if the contents of the file have not changed. The default is a new version is created.

Default: False


Annotations to add as a JSON formatted string, should evaluate to a dictionary (key/value pairs). Example: ‘{“foo”: 1, “bar”:”quux”}’


Replace all existing annotations with the given annotations

Default: False


Moves a file/folder in Synapse

synapse mv [-h] --id syn123 --parentid syn123
Named Arguments

Id of entity in Synapse to be moved.

--parentid, --parentId, -parentid, -parentId

Synapse ID of project or folder where file/folder will be moved


Copies specific versions of synapse content such as files, folders and projects by recursively copying all sub-content

synapse cp [-h] --destinationId syn123 [--version 1]
           [--setProvenance traceback] [--updateExisting]
           [--excludeTypes [file table [file table ...]]] [--skipCopyWiki]
Positional Arguments

Id of entity in Synapse to be copied.

Named Arguments

Synapse ID of project or folder where file will be copied to.

--version, -v

Synapse version number of File or Link to retrieve. This parameter cannot be used when copying Projects or Folders. Defaults to most recent version.


Has three values to set the provenance of the copied entity-traceback: Sets to the source entityexisting: Sets to source entity’s original provenance (if it exists)None/none: No provenance is set

Default: “traceback”


Will update the file if there is already a file that is named the same in the destination

Default: False


Do not copy the annotations

Default: False


Accepts a list of entity types (file, table, link) which determines which entity types to not copy.

Default: []


Do not copy the wiki pages

Default: False


Associate local files with the files stored in Synapse so that calls to “synapse get” and “synapse show” don’t re-download the files but use the already existing file.

synapse associate [-h] [--limitSearch projId] [-r] path
Positional Arguments

local file path

Named Arguments

Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search to.


Perform recursive association with all local files in a folder

Default: False


removes a dataset from Synapse

synapse delete [-h] [--version VERSION] syn123
Positional Arguments

Synapse ID of form syn123 of desired data object

Named Arguments

Version number to delete of given entity.


Performs SQL like queries on Synapse

synapse query [-h] [string [string ...]]
Positional Arguments

A query string. Note that when using the command line query strings must be passed intact as a single string. In most shells this can mean wrapping the query in quotes as appropriate and escaping any quotes that may appear within the query string itself. Example:

synapse query "select \"column has spaces\" from syn123"

See’ for more information


submit an entity or a file for evaluation

synapse submit [-h] [--evaluationID EVALUATIONID]
               [--evaluationName EVALUATIONNAME] [--entity ENTITY]
               [--file FILE] [--parentId PARENTID] [--name NAME]
               [--teamName TEAMNAME] [--submitterAlias ALIAS]
               [--used [target [target ...]]]
               [--executed [target [target ...]]] [--limitSearch projId]
Named Arguments
--evaluationID, --evaluationId, --evalID

Evaluation ID where the entity/file will be submitted

--evaluationName, --evalN

Evaluation Name where the entity/file will be submitted

--entity, --eid, --entityId, --id

Synapse ID of the entity to be submitted

--file, -f

File to be submitted to the challenge

--parentId, --parentid, --parent

Synapse ID of project or folder where to upload data


Name of the submission

--teamName, --team

Submit of behalf of a registered team

--submitterAlias, --alias

A nickname, possibly for display in leaderboards


Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previouslyuploaded to Synapse) from which the specified entity is derived


Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previouslyuploaded to Synapse) that was executed to generate the specified entity


Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.


show metadata for an entity

synapse show [-h] [--limitSearch projId] syn123
Positional Arguments

Synapse ID of form syn123 of desired synapse object

Named Arguments

Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.


prints a dataset from Synapse

synapse cat [-h] [-v VERSION] syn123
Positional Arguments

Synapse ID of form syn123 of desired data object

Named Arguments
-v, --version

Synapse version number of entity to display. Defaults to most recent version.


List Synapse entities contained by the given Project or Folder. Note: May not be supported in future versions of the client.

synapse list [-h] [-r] [-l] [-m] syn123
Positional Arguments

Synapse ID of a project or folder

Named Arguments
-r, --recursive

recursively list contents of the subtree descending from the given Synapse ID

Default: False

-l, --long

List synapse entities in long format

Default: False

-m, --modified

List modified by and modified date

Default: False


create provenance records

synapse set-provenance [-h] -id syn123 [-name NAME] [-description DESCRIPTION]
                       [-o [OUTPUT_FILE]] [-used [target [target ...]]]
                       [-executed [target [target ...]]] [-limitSearch projId]
Named Arguments
-id, --id

Synapse ID of entity whose provenance we are accessing.

-name, --name

Name of the activity that generated the entity

-description, --description

Description of the activity that generated the entity

-o, -output, --output

Output the provenance record in JSON format

-used, --used

Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previouslyuploaded to Synapse) from which the specified entity is derived

-executed, --executed

Synapse ID, a url, or a local file path (of a file previouslyuploaded to Synapse) that was executed to generate the specified entity

-limitSearch, --limitSearch

Synapse ID of a container such as project or folder to limit search for provenance files.


show provenance records

synapse get-provenance [-h] -id syn123 [--version version] [-o [OUTPUT_FILE]]
Named Arguments
-id, --id

Synapse ID of entity whose provenance we are accessing.


version of Synapse entity whose provenance we are accessing.

-o, -output, --output

Output the provenance record in JSON format


create annotations records

synapse set-annotations [-h] --id syn123 --annotations ANNOTATIONS [-r]
Named Arguments

Synapse ID of entity whose annotations we are accessing.


Annotations to add as a JSON formatted string, should evaluate to a dictionary (key/value pairs). Example: ‘{“foo”: 1, “bar”:”quux”}’

-r, --replace

Replace all existing annotations with the given annotations

Default: False


show annotations records

synapse get-annotations [-h] --id syn123 [-o [OUTPUT_FILE]]
Named Arguments

Synapse ID of entity whose annotations we are accessing.

-o, --output

Output the annotations record in JSON format


Creates folders or projects on Synapse

synapse create [-h] [-parentid syn123] -name NAME
               [-description DESCRIPTION | -descriptionFile DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH]
Positional Arguments

Type of object to create in synapse one of {Project, Folder}

Named Arguments
-parentid, -parentId, --parentid, --parentId

Synapse ID of project or folder where to place folder [not used with project]

-name, --name

Name of folder/project.

-description, --description

Description of project/folder

-descriptionFile, --descriptionFile

Path to a markdown file containing description of project/folder


Creates a Synapse Table given a csv

synapse store-table [-h] --name NAME [--parentid syn123] [--csv foo.csv]
Named Arguments

Name of Table

--parentid, --parentId

Synapse ID of project


Path to csv


opens Synapse website for Entity

synapse onweb [-h] id
Positional Arguments

Synapse id


login to Synapse and (optionally) cache credentials

synapse login [-h] [-u SYNAPSEUSER] [-p SYNAPSEPASSWORD] [--rememberMe]
Named Arguments
-u, --username

Username used to connect to Synapse

-p, --password

Password or api key used to connect to Synapse

--rememberMe, --remember-me

Cache credentials for automatic authentication on future interactions with Synapse

Default: False


test character encoding to help diagnose problems

synapse test-encoding [-h]


Get an STS token for access to AWS S3 storage underlying Synapse

synapse get-sts-token [-h] [-o {json,boto,shell,bash,cmd,powershell}]
                      id {read_write,read_only}
Positional Arguments

Synapse id


Possible choices: read_write, read_only

Named Arguments
-o, --output

Possible choices: json, boto, shell, bash, cmd, powershell

Default: “shell”


Migrate Synapse entities to a different storage location

synapse migrate [-h]
                [--source_storage_location_ids [SOURCE_STORAGE_LOCATION_IDS [SOURCE_STORAGE_LOCATION_IDS ...]]]
                [--file_version_strategy FILE_VERSION_STRATEGY]
                [--include_table_files] [--continue_on_error]
                [--csv_log_path CSV_LOG_PATH] [--dryRun] [--force]
                id dest_storage_location_id db_path
Positional Arguments

Synapse id


Destination Synapse storage location id


Local system path where a record keeping file can be stored

Named Arguments

Source Synapse storage location ids. If specified only files in these storage locations will be migrated.

one of ‘new’, ‘latest’, ‘all’, ‘skip’

new creates a new version of each entity, latest migrates the most recent version, all migrates all versions, skip avoids migrating file entities (use when exclusively targeting table attached files

Default: “new”


Include table attached files when migrating

Default: False


Whether to continue processing other entities if migration of one fails

Default: False


Path where to log a csv documenting the changes from the migration


Dry run, files will be indexed by not migrated

Default: False


Bypass interactive prompt confirming migration

Default: False